Friday, July 4, 2008

No BABY yet!!!!!

We still have no baby!!!! We thought it would be last Wednesday, but everything stopped!!!! I take her on bumpy rides, make her ride the horse and even mop the floor, but still nothing happens. Kasi is ready to have this baby OUT!!!!!!
We will see about this coming Monday!! I will keep you posted.


  1. just have sex. lots and lots of sex. it's surefire, or so i'm kasi will LOVE it.

    keep us updated! come on baby miller!

  2. Oh Kasi! I feel for you...I hear you have that stinkin rash again! I hope the baby makes it's appearance soon.

  3. We are sooo ready for baby Miller to come too. So get it on!

  4. Hey! I can take her for a ride in the car. I'm sure I can make the car jump a few hills. I scare the hell out of people by how I drive.

  5. Yeah! How exciting for your family! Can't wait to see the little one!
