Sunday, March 9, 2008

Who has the time?

I am just amazed with all of you bloggers. I don't even have time to clean my toilets let alone sit down at the computer and come up with something fun and creative for a people to read. How do any of you have the time for this? Maybe I'll get better at this as time goes by. Hope everyone is happy and healthy. The Miller family is going great. I am still pregnant for 100 more years, Kenny is training in Vegas all week (so we look forward to the weekends!), Mason is 6 going on 16, and Ian is hell on wheels. I wonder what baby #3 will be like? Keep smiling. Kasi


  1. I haven't talked to you for so long! I was glad to come acroos your blog so I could find out what you guys are up to. When is that baby due?? Do you have that awful itchy rash again??

  2. What cute boys! What do you mean you don't have time to blog? Okay, yes it is hard to pull myself away from my girl t.v. and bon bons to post a blog entry.

  3. Please, do you think our toilets are clean? Come on! You have to make a choice here. Thanks for posting. By the way, I posted more pics on my page and there are a few documenting Ian's backward pants day. Check 'em out!

  4. Oh come have all the free time in the world. Oh wait, free time doesn't run in our family.

  5. I have to say I feel your Pain! I spend my evenings blog surfing to help pass the time! We definitely have to get together!

  6. Kasi! I didn't know you had this blog! I actually am just figuring out this crazy blogging world! It is fun. It is good entertainment for me since I am never in S.G. anymore. It is fun to keep connected with people. Your kids are huge! I am excited for your babe #3!

  7. hello, you finally updated!!! i was just expecting the splash mountain picture again.....yay kasi!!

  8. How cute, I love it. I went on your site from Jessie's friends. Mik'L has her address if you need it. Your next baby will probably put a hush to the other two. Just Kidding. ha ha ha Love you Aunt Kathleen
